Featuring stache style Silver Lining
Doe Lashes has unveiled a new name, new logo, and changes to its product line as part of an extensive rebranding effort.
“It’s a major step forward for Doe and a unique opportunity for us to expand our business into new markets. Now you can enjoy the most comfortable lashes with your significant other, no matter where it is placed” - Jason Wong, Founder
Doe Lashes, a brand of silk lashes designed in California and handcrafted to feel like clouds on your eyes, has completed an extensive rebranding effort to attract a broader and more inclusive modern audience. At the heart of this rebranding is a change of the company name to Doe Staches in order to pivot away from being primarily a lash brand. Under the new name it has expanded the company’s product offerings to include
subtle staches and stylish,
glamorous staches to capture a new audience.
Doe Lashes has seen an explosive year as one of the top trending makeup brands with a +981% Year-over-Year (YoY) growth according to the recent State of the Beauty Industry report, cementing its status as an up and coming brand to watch in 2021. Amid the growth, the company has signaled its ambition to evolve and embark on a new path.
Doe has always focused on the details that make us stand out to be comfortable and feel confident in our own skin. The Doe Staches name is rooted in the company’s commitment to taking comfort a step further by recognizing the increasing need of ensuring everyone feels welcomed by promoting inclusivity.
“It’s a major milestone for the company, we have always gone the nontraditional route. I’m excited to watch us grow out of trying to fit in with other lash brands, like I hate wasted potential- that crushes your spirit, it really does it, it crushes your soul.” - Fran Loo, General Manager.
Although the company’s name has changed, the dedication to product quality and exceptional customer service has not. Doe Staches invites you to “Find Your Perfect Stache Style” on its newly revamped site.
Featuring stache style Cloud 9